OSS Capstone Projects

Come and see our latest projects at the OSS Capstone Fair

Projects of 2023

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Depth Camera Hand Gesture Recognition

Your attention is crucial while driving safely, using the radio can take away a split second of that attention and may result in an accident. Controlling the radio with a computer vision system can keep your focus on the road with a simple hand gesture and an audible signal will indicate that your request was recognized.

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5GAIA: Advancing Internet Access with 5G Innovations

Our objective for this project is to implement Smart Queue Management (SQM) in a Wi-Fi 5/6/6E gateway to significantly reduce network delay (latency).

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Road-Based Senseability Index for Autonomous Fleet Infrastructure Monitoring

Attaching sensors to vehicles could provide a cheap and accurate way to monitor air pollution, road quality, or other aspects of a city’s health in real time. How can this be best utilized to monitor the health of a city? What if every vehicle with these sensors was feeding this information to a central database to be monitored in real time? Which vehicle fleet would be the most optimal, efficient and economical? This project aims to develop a simulator to test these ideas. Using GTFS data , we can experimentally simulates taxis, busses, ordinary consumer vehicles or just one vehicle owned by the company, to see which is the most economical and efficient.

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Quantification & Comparison of Urban Fleet-Sensing Indices

Our project centers on developing a program to parse input GTFS data of real-world bus routes and configure it for use in a simulation that requires these routes. As such, our project serves a larger simulation framework whose function is to model the routes of different fleet types (not only buses) and investigate their sensibility indices as they detect predetermined points of interest (i.e., utility poles) around a virtual representation of a real-world city.

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Photonic Spectrometer

Spectroscopy involves the measurement of the spectrum of light, which is routinely used for medical diagnosis, astronomy, remote sensing, gas sensing, and many more applications. Silicon photonics has enabled photonic instrumentation that can be realized on a chip instead of bulk optics, leading to spectrometers that can be very stable, low-cost and very compact.

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